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Opening: 15 verso, 16 recto
Date(s) of entries: June 14 to 26, 1863
Author: Thomas Benton Alexander
Content: Diary
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15v, 16r
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June 14
was 3 killed zero wounded there loss supposed to be heavy fight about half hour their felled back sharpshoot & cannon fighting the balance of the day 15th sharpshooting & cannonading all Day some at night 16th sharpshooting & cannonading all day & some at night 17th some sharp shooting & cannonading all day & night 18th some little sharp shooting morters still & cannonading through the day & night 19th sharp shooting & cannonading all day and night morters quit shelling 20th sharp shooting and canonading all day & night morters all quiet
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June the 21 1863
21st sharp shooting & some cannonading all day some at night 22nd some sharp shooting & cannonading all day & some at night Morters quiet 23rd sharpshooting & cannonading all day some at night 24th some shooting along the line all day & night 25th sharp shooting & some cannon during the day & night 26th sharp shooting cannonading on the right lasted 4 hours hardest sheeling I ever seen by land or water 4 of our men killed sevral wound
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