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Opening: 17 verso, 18 recto
Date(s) of entries: July 10 to 31, 1863
Author: Thomas Benton Alexander
Content: Diary
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17v, 18r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
The 10 we signed our parols still at the depot
11th at Depot yet
12th at Depot sick
13th at Depot we got our parols
14th we got our Parole and started home in the eavening sick was left that was not able to go
15th I moved to the hospital and there found Eben [i.e., Eben C. Alexander]
16th we still at hospital
17th in Hospital Port Hudson
18th no prospects of geting away
19th we made an attempt to get on a boat to start home was too late late the boat left
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July the 20 1863
20th some of my company left Port Hudson to day for home a few ones still left behind 21st no prospects of getting away 22nd still at Port no prospects of geting away 23rd at Port Hud 24th all quiet 25 some little of going to mobile hear yet 26 still at Pt Hudson 27th some prospects of going away 28 was ordered to pack up our baggage but did not get off that day 29th packed up but did not get off 30th still disappointed not off yet 31st get on boat Morgan Brown Morgan Brown
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