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Opening: 5 verso, 6 recto
Date(s) of entries: July 5 to 7, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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5v, 6r
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fall back, some of Parson's Brigade went in town I believe, if we had taken it we couldent hold it on account of the gunboats, there was three of them there throwing there shells at us, none of our Regt got killed but several wounded, we lost a good many men there (the infantry)
Sunday 5th our Regiment is now drawed up in line of Battle 3 miles from Helena covering the retreat from there we will be here all day I guess we camped all night right where we was in line of Battle
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Monday 6th we staid at the pope place all day and late in the evening the fed's come out and we run off up to lick creek and dismounted and staid in line of Battle till 10,o'clock that night and then went back a piece and camped for the night
Tuesday 7th we left this morning and went to Mr Gueses and staid all night in drawing corn this evening Leut Hill and some more fell out and went to shoting at each other and wounded 7 men that wasent engaged in it
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