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Opening: 7 verso, 8 recto
Date(s) of entries: July 16 to 22, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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stoped, got four ripe wattermellons They was fine. we had some roastinear's the first. I have seen this year but maxfield is better to day
Thursday 16th nothing new in camp's to day F H Campbell deserted on the 14th of July and went to the feds
Saturday 18th it has been sprinkling rain all day
Sunday 19th it has been a very dull day to me, all of the mess is out but me and I am very lonesome, a paroled prisoner got in this eve from vicksburg and
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says that vicksburg is surely taken, it is hard but still it is so
Monday 20th our mess had another hog to day went out about a mile and one bit at Abe Weaver [i.e., Private Abe Weaver, Co. A, 46th (Crabtree's) Arkansas Cavalry] and he shot it
Tuesday 21st Charley Miniken [i.e., Private Charles W. Miniken, Co. A, 46th (Crabtree's) Arkansas Cavalry] got in yesterday but dident bring any letters from home, our horses was valued over to day, my horse was valued at ($5.50) five hundred and fifty dollar's and saddle at ($30) thirty dollar's, to day I was made corporal of Geo W Rutherford's company [i.e., Captain George W. Rutherford's Co. D, 1st (Dobbin's) Arkansas Cavalry]
Wensday 22ed we moved camps to day three miles to Mr Pastells, Mr Maxfield and Bob Weaver [i.e., Lieutenant Robert R. Weaver, 46th (Crabtree's) Arkansas Cavalry] come in from home yesterday
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