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Opening: 17 verso, 18 recto
Date(s) of entries: September 10, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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17v, 18r
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September 10 1863
Thursday 10th September
We was ordered to saddle
up last night about 2,o'clock
and this morning about
sun up was ordered to
move. I was left on
picket on the Arkansas
River. There has been
heavy cannonading up
and down the River
all morning the feds
has come across they
layed there pontoon
Bridge last night and
crossed, our battery never
knew any thing of it
till this morning and
then it was to late
we started for little
Rock about 11,o'clock
stoped on Bayou
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and dismounted and
succeeded in driving them
back once captureing a
good many horses and
some prisoners and two
small pieces of Artillery
then they come up with
there infantry and drove
us back our major [i.e., Major Samuel Corley, 1st (Dobbin's) Arkansas Cavalry] was
mortally wounded. we
come through little Rock
about 4,o'clock this
evening and there found
the whole army under
a full retreat without
ever giving them a
general fight so the big
expected fight for our capitol
is come and gone and wasent nothing
but a skirmish the cavalry
done all the fighting
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