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Opening: 15 verso, 16 recto
Date(s) of entries: July-August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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15v, 16r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
Ande .co. A. and .co. f. ware thrown oute as skermishers on the nighte of the 1 and the morninge of the 2 co. .B. and .co. G. ware thrown oute to suporte co .a. and .f. Bute Beinge comanded By T. w Higens Hea adevancd upe to the skermish line ande as soon as wea adevanced thes too company's Doubel quicked to the Reare whitch lefte us the Heate and Burden of the Day the enemy poringe in a warme fire upon us wea Hade note leyed there longe till wea was orderde over the fence Ande to charge whitch
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Dide againste 5 times Hour number a boute 3 Hondred yardes Righte in fare view of the Rebels and them poringe in a moste Distruckte ful fire in this charge william Mcclune [i.e., Pvt. William McCluen, Co. B, 73rd Ohio Infantry] ware kilde and 3 others wounde of Hour copany ande company G loste 6 of his verey Beste men then wea ware orderde to Retreate whitch Havinge to Bea made upe a Hill 5 Hundred yards righte in fase of the Rebel fire the Balls pute mea in the minde of trampinge in a neste of BumBelbes neste and them whisteinge a Rounde you wiliam R
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