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Opening: 19 verso, 20 recto
Date(s) of entries: July-August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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19v, 20r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
Bute ware note give one i asked to gow a Heade of the Regemente whitch i gote leafe to mi feete Beainge verey sore i Dide note make Mideltown till late in the after noon ande the Bregaide Hade gon a Boute 5 miles further to the gape of The mountain ande i Dide note see them till the 17 of July 1863 i in camped in a Barne that nighte of the 8 ande from there i worked mi way to the gape ande ther i founde the comasary and Hea lete mea Have a pare of shees
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i aloude to starte to mi Regemente the nexte Day Bute Havinge the Dyareer ite grow worce ande i coulde note moove till the 19 then i started ande crosste to Boonsborough there ware too men with mea Bothe of the 75 ohio one By the name of James Archupe [i.e., Pvt. James Artoup, Co. B, 75th Ohio Infantry] the other By the name of John Clarke [i.e., Pvt. John Clark, Co. A, 75th Ohio Infantry] wea stayed to gether till wea come to Hour Regementes Bute on the 16 wea sarted from Boons bourough to funke town and then wea founde thate lee Hade gote a cross
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