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Opening: 23 verso, 24 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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23v, 24r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
5 miles then wea turnde to the Righte a gain and marched 3 miles ande then turnde shorte to the lefte wente 1 mile ande turnded again to the lefte This Day Beainge one of the Hoteste of the season Ande Ande now eare a stur the Boyes Begain to fall oute i saw one one tw fall juste like they Hade Bin Shote wea kepe on this Direction and wea landed at a litel town is callde Brentesvill the capitol of
it lies on a High piece
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of grounde ande 3 miles from the Rail Roade ite is intirely Diserted with the excption of 2 famleys Here wea made calculation to stay fore severel Dayes Bute on the 3 of the month wea ware orderd Back to catiletes station which place wea made 10 oclock ande wente on garde ate mude Run trusel co K and company .G. co. B wente on garde Here Here is 5 hundred and 50 mules and five Hundred ande fiftey teames each 6 Horses
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