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Opening: 45 verso, 46 recto
Date(s) of entries: November 24 to 26, 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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45v, 46r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
Heavey crashes of musketry on the extreeme Righte ande then artlery whitch tolde us thate Sherman ware gitinge them wormed upe ate nighte wea coulDe see His lines ande campe fires plane Wea were one the este end of metionary Ridge the 25 Hooker Broke oute a gain fore Hea gote clere Behinde them ande Hade atacked them in the Reare ande then the Eleventh corpse hade Bin Drowin on the lefte to
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suporte thomases lefte and the olde 73de ware calde fore to charge a peace of woodes whitch the firste Bregade stalde on ware Deployed charged 1/2 a mile Repulste the Rebels withoute the loss of a man 26 ware Drowen cleare a Rounde Behind metionary Ridge in the Reare of the Rebels line aite nine oclock the noose came thate thomes ware in full position of metionary Ridge Hooker
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