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Opening: 53 verso, 54 recto
Date(s) of entries: January 25 to March 20, 1864
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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53v, 54r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
marchinge orders fine springe weather the Burdes Singes finley
february 1 1864 the 14 armey corpse croste the metion ary Ridge on the South Side ande everey thinge lookes like .a. move
february 9 1864 Removede the Hole train from keleys landinge Bute fore mi selfe verey unwell
13 wente to Horspitel By order of Dr Hovey [i.e., Bleecher L. Hovey, Surgeon, 136th New York Infantry] the fifteenth Rand
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All Day High windes the 14 and 15 Bute 17 a very plesente morininge
March 2 1864 the olde 73de o.v.i. returnde to the Bregaide
March 3 1864 the 55 o.v.i Returned to the Bregade
March 21 comenced Snowing 22 still Snowinge an a Boute 15 inches De Deepe
March 20 1864 Transferde Back
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