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Opening: 71 verso, 72 recto
Date(s) of entries: June 22 to 23, 1864
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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71v, 72r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
taken 4 lines of Breste workes within the laste 2 Dayes, comencd Raininge ate 3 oclock Rainde verey Harde trains moovd ate 4 oclock 2 miles ande incamped
cobe .co. June 22 /64 the 20 armey corps made a charge loss verey Heavey Bute tooke the Rebels Rifle pites and Hell them [i.e., combat at Kolb's Farm, 22 June 1864] 3 Bregade 3 Divison loste 47 in wounded 73de o.v.i loste 3 men kilde Dadde 33 massa
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chusetts loste verey heavey
June 23 1864 know fightinge all nighte ande all Day till after 3 oclock then it comenced on the lefte ande continued extended to the lefte to the Righte with the Heaveste artilery fightinge in the campain ite is one continuede Role all the line wea are four miles easte of loste mountain ande 5 south weste from
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