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Opening: 75 verso, 76 recto
Date(s) of entries: July 4 to 6, 1864
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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75v, 76r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
miles Heavey Canonadinge in fronte they Say wea tooke 22 Hundred Rebels prisoners this day wea Sete Shose ande 1 tyre on Rite move wagon
July 5 /64 heavey skermishinge all laste nighte comenced moovinge ate 11 oclock mooved 6 miles ande incamped in the Rebels fortification Heavey canonadinge By tymes
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all Day Bute they troopes moovede Righte a Heade 6 miles of the catahoochey River
July 6 /64 trains mooved ate Sun upe cuntery verey Rough with Hiles and Holowes croste a crick ate a mille Bute Donte know the name of mill nor crick crick is nickle Jack crick Heavey canonadinge all Day mooved ate 6 oclock 2 miles further ande
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