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Opening: 94 verso, 95 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 26 to 31, 1864
Author: William Cline
Content: Diary
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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94v, 95r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
Auguste 26 /64 all quiet laste nighte ande the Sun Rises in ites glorey this morninge ande all the 20 corps trains is on the north Side of the chatahooche River the 20 corps fell Back to the South side the nighte of the 26 of Auguste
Auguste 27 /64 all quiete upe to this morninge Bute Heavey fightinge on the Righte, a Heavey Rain laste nighte today ate 8 oclock the Rebels advancede ande throo severel Shells in to 3 division campe
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kilde 1 man in the 55 Remente 3 wounded Hour gunes opende ande the Rebels Retreeted
Auguste 28 /64 nothinge new to Day
Auguste 29 verey worme Bute coole nightes nothinge from the fronte
Auguste 30 /64 moovede campe a Boute 2 Hundrede yardes in the woodes nothinge frome the fronte
Auguste 31 /64 all quiete a Rounde Here
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