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Manuscripts of the American Civil War
Sillers-Holmes Family Correspondence

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Document Type: Autograph Letter Signed

Author: Gary F. Williams
Date: November 11, 1863
Place: Near Morton's Ford, Orange County, Virginia
To: Dr. Allmond Holmes

Physical Description: Ink on lined paper; 2 pages (25 x 20 cm) on 1 sheet

Number: MSN/CW 5025-15

Transcribed by: Paul Patterson and George Rugg, 2004-06

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Near Moton's Ford on the Rapidan River, Va. Nov. 11th 1863.

Dr. Holmes
Dear Sir.

     I write you a few lines by Ransome to give you some of the particulars of Col Sillers death. He was wounded near Kelly Ford on last saturday and it was impossible to move him for some time after he was wounded. he said he could not have to be move, and would of ben very dangerous to move him too he was very much exposed to the fire of the enemy. but just as soon as we could could move him with safety it was done. The Col was wounded through the right lung. he seme to know that there was no chance for him to live. our forces fell back that night after he was wounded so they had to move him to Gordensville where he lived until last Thurday. [illeg] fellow he is dead, and we can not bring him back, but God only knows how we all shall miss him He has ben more like a Father to this Regt. than any thing else There is not a man but what loved him. He sent me while in the field his watch and pocket Book. I send them to you by Ransome. Ransome Good Boy has nearly greved himself to death for his masster. There was three hundred dola and sixty dollars in his Book. Ransome wants to get some things in Richmond and it will cost a good deal. And I have got Mr Ha[illeg] to help Ransome with the Col. I add [illeg] fifty dollars of my own mone to pay Mr Ha[illeg] expences.

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I hope they may not meet with any difficulty in getting him home. wish it had ben so that we could sent you word so you could of come over but it was not so. our army well back on this side of the Rappidan and we have [illeg] the road [2 words illeg] the fight. I did not heare of the Col death untill last night. our Regt is very sad about his death and besids we lost a good many others. the [illeg] in our Regt is over hundred and fifty most of them is taken prisonner. I hope God will give Mis. Fannie and yourself strenth to [illeg] this sad news. for if we loved him who was no kinn to him how much more must those that was so near to him. I shall have his Horse taken care of you ahd better send Ransome back after him and let him take him thru the country. The Col thoght a good deal of his horse.
I lost nineteen one from my company one hundred eight wounded the rest missing. Miles Draughen is among the missing. My love to all of the family

Yours very respectfully
Gary F. Williams

Transcription last modified: 28 Feb 2007 at 05:04 PM EST

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