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Opening: 20 verso, 21 recto
Date(s) of entries: October 29, 1863 to February 22, 1864
Author: Thomas Benton Alexander
Content: Diary
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20v, 21r
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Bay Capt Casteland in command of Comp 30th commensed building quarters the 31st was mustered for Pay and clothing November the 1st was on guard at the Battery we stayed there until 11th Masouria [sp. Missouri] Batry 12th leave Batt of heavy Artillery on the 16 was ordered to Battery Tracy got on boat at Mobile Jan the 18/64 The 18 got to Battery Tracy 1864
Jan the 28 on guard at Battery Tracy conty sign Forrest Guard Feb the 4 countersign Beauregard
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Feb 9 1864
I went to Batt Huger Feb the 9 was on guard that day countersign Lee Feb the 12 had inspection by Gen Maury & Gen Matts of Ala & others some ladies I was on Guard th 13 The countersign was Maury orders issued the 15 of Feb that no pass would be given until further orders the Regt was layed off the 15th Feb The yankee fired on fort Powell Feb the 16. I was on guard the 17. countersign was Mason I went on guard the 21 & come off the 22 Feb the countersign was charleston charleston Feb the 23/64
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