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Opening: 21 verso, 22 recto
Date(s) of entries: February 23 to March 24, 1864
Author: Thomas Benton Alexander
Content: Diary
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21v, 22r
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100 DPI
Inspection by Gen Maury & Shoop & others 23 was on extra duty for the first time for missing Roll call feb the 24 we shot our Guns a few time to get the Range at different points the 25 on guard the countersign was Wilminton I was on Guard the 29. Mustering come today to muster us we had no Rolls. The countersign was Nashville come off March the 1 I was on guard the 4 Inspection by col Jackson and others. The countersign was Meredian I was on Guard March the 9 The cont was Natches Johnson was arrested at night 9.oclock
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March the 10
The 14 I went to mobile reurned the 15 segt Bearwood was drownded at Blakey our return from the city on the 15 of March I was on guard the 16 the countersign was Harden I was on Guard the 18 the countersign was Cheatham the 21st I wrote a letter & by Flag of Truce I wa on the same day the countersign wa Selma I wrote a letter and sent it home the 23 by hand the 24 was on Guard the countersign was Johnson
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