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Opening: 9 verso, 10 recto
Date(s) of entries: July 28 to 31, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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9v, 10r
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Tuesday 28 the federal's
are at Taylors creek trying
to cut our Brigade off but
the trains all come to Bayou
Deview safe last night
and are crossing this
morning we come up to
them this morning the fed
was reported yesterday
crossing Cache River
going to Jacksonport (only
16 miles from there) we all got
across about 3,o'clock P.M.
and camped at Widow
Wood's, after we got in camps
I went out and got my
supper and some meat
Wensday 29th I have been
out all day getting some
thing to eat got as much
milk and butter as we
wanted, got our tent up
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once more, we havent
been in since April before
I believe we got every
thing across the Bayou
the feds has gone into Helena
Thursday 30th they have sent
part of the train across
White River, and we intend
to stay this side awhile
we moved from Mrs
Wood's to Cache River today,
I took a good swim in the
Friday 31st I was on
guard all day yesterday and
last night. There is a good
deal of talk in camps
that we are to be dismounted
but hope it aint so we
will have to leave here in
a day or two on account of
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