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Opening: 10 verso, 11 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 1 to 5, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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10v, 11r
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Saturday August 1st 1863
we have been laying up on
Cache River all day, the
Artillery was sent to Little
Rock to day
Aug 2ed Sunday we left
our camp's on Cache to day
and went as far as millers
and there we scattered
out to keep dry for a
mighty hard rain come
up, me and a prisoner
and three more of the
boy's went to the widow
Angles and staid all night
the train crossed Cache
this evening
Monday 3rd we all got
across Cache about 10,o'Clock
and went to Greogry's
and camped
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Tuesday 4th
we left Greogry's this
morning by day light and
got to Augusta about 9,o'clock
and went above town and
commenced crossing. the
waggons has been crossing
the River all day
our company got
across just at dark and
went up the River, and
camped for the night our
horses got nothing to eat
Wensday 5th we started
for Searcy this morning
we swum one creek
on the road got there
at the river just
at dark. we crossed on
a poontoon Bridge, there
was two steam boats
there, putting off corn
we drew corn and went
1 mile and camped
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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