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Opening: 12 verso, 13 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 10 to 20, 1863
Author: Thomas Jacob Barb
Content: Diary
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12v, 13r
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Monday 10th August we got off for the Regiment soon this morning we caught up with Captain Rutherford [i.e., Captain George W. Rutherford, 1st (Dobbin's) Arkansas Cavalry] before we went far, in crossing Grand Pararie [sp. Grand Prairie] The Captain and P. Wallace had a race Wallace beat him the flies was very bad on the Pararie it was 6 miles wide we are now camped 1 mile south of Brownsville
Thursday 18th 13th we are still camped south of Brownsville the federals have gone back on the east side of white River
Sunday 16th had preaching in camp's to day still camped below Brownsville
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August the 18th 1863 Tuesday 18th we was ordered to day at twelve to cook four day's rations for a scout to Clarendon we got off just at dark
Wensday 19th we traveled all night last night and stoped to feed this morning 4 miles north of Duvals [sp. De Vall's] Bluff at Mr Man's we slept till about dark got up drew ammunition and started for another nights ride to La gruve
Thursday 20th we traveled again last night till about 3,o,clock this morning and lay down to sleep just after daylight four feds run very near into our camp's and we all saddled up. our company was sent back towards Clarendon to picket we seen a good many fed's crossing the Pararie
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