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Opening: 4 verso, 5 recto
Date(s) of entries: July-August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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4v, 5r
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Campe thate same Day Ate or neare stafarde Ch. [sp. Stafford Court House] v.a. and founde the Boyes all well ande Hartey on the 4 ite snowed verey Harde ande ande 5 ite snowede parte of the Day the Rigemente was on A High piece of grounde Ande still in there winter quarters yete wea layede Here till aprile the 14 and then there was marchinge orders ande on the 15 ite Rainde all Day and orders came to carey 60 Roundes of Amunition ande 8 Dayes Rationes 3 cooked an 5 unkooked
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orders was Counter manded and wea laide in campe til the 16 and thinges Begine to looke like a march and on the 17 i and 29 more were Detailde as garde fore a suply Train to gow to the 1 Division of hour corpese ande started thate Day traveld 8 miles and in camped fore the nighte and Returnde on the 19 Generalde stoneman [i.e., Maj. Gen. George Stoneman] with 25 thousan caverley laide ther Readey to cross when the weather woulde admite of ite -- corte martielde on the 25 of Aprile 1863 beinge
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