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Manuscripts of the American Civil War
William Cline Diary

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Opening: 5 verso, 6 recto
Date(s) of entries: July-August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir

Number: MSN/CW 8007-1

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transcription conventions, image scanning conventions, etc.)

5v, 6r      Images: 150 DPI100 DPI


Abesente from Campe thomas i was Rainde ande tried Before Mager Hurste [i.e., Maj. Samuel H. Hurst, 73rd Ohio Infantry] charged giltey and Docked three month from the 25 of Decmber til the 25 of March 1863 -- whitch lefte mea 7 month pay
ande on the 27 wea gote marchinge orders ande marched and croste keleyes forde [sp. Kelly's Ford] on the 30 of Aprile and in camped on the other side of the River the caverley and picketes Hade a Skermish thate nighte the nexte Day wea Resumed Hour march weste til wea struck the fredericks


Burgh Ande culpeper planke roade then wea turnde south and Juste Before wea gote to the Rapadan River wea ware saluted By a fue shotes from a rebel canon whitch tried to Draw Hour atention Bute failade to Doo so and shortely after Capten irons [i.e., Capt. Silas Irion, Co. G, 73rd Ohio Infantry] of .co. G Actinge quarter master was orderde Back ande taken prisoner By the Rebels they tooke him to Richmon parolde Him and thate night there ware some pckite firinge Bute now Harme Done 31 wea marched

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