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Opening: 25 verso, 26 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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25v, 26r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
wea ware Relieved of garde on the 9 of Auguste Ande Returnde to campe on the 10th 1863 in a nice piece of woodes one mile from the Railroade on the 15 there was wone Division of caverley wente to keleyes forde ande one Baterey of Artlerey wea Remainde Here incampe til the 17th ande now tidnges of mooving some of the Boyes ware tringe there luck ate Hilow Jack some ware Reading Noose papers ande some Readinge Novels That they Hade purcheste ande so, thinges wente on in
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Peace and Harmony till Aboute 1 Hour Before sun sete when the oficeres call war Sounded on the Bugle ande soon they came Back on quick time ande orders war esued fore to Bea prepared to march ate the nexte call of the Bugle, ite warente longe Before all war Readey Ande watinge Bute wea Hade note wated longe til the asembeley ware sounded ande all Handes fell in knapesacks and Haversacks wonge on there Backs, know wone knowinge whare nore whitch way Bute ite wasente longe till wea
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