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Opening: 26 verso, 27 recto
Date(s) of entries: August 1863
Author: William Cline
Content: Memoir
Number: MSN/CW 8007-1
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26v, 27r
Images: 150 DPI
100 DPI
founde oute the Direction Hour Bregade marched ande struck a north corse to the Rail Roade one mile easte of catlites station Here the 33 Mass'chisettes 55 ohio 134 newyork ande the firste Bregade filde Righte and kepe with the Rail roade ande the 73de ohio kepe north til Betwene 10 and 11 oclock ate nighte ande in camped til morning ate a place callde green Ridge an on the morninge of the 18 wente in to campe south easte of the place Here
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i founde wea Hade to Doo pickite Dootey three companys ware sente on pickite from the Righte of the Regemente and the Reste Hade to paterole from Here to Bristo station one mile ande a Halfe 7 miles likewise to newboltimore Distente of of 6 miles this nabourhoode the siticns is all Here with one ore two excpetins ande they clame to Bea British subistatuts there farmes is in goode Repare plentey of stock of all kindes on them ande as fine a litel
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