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Opening: 37 verso, 38 recto
Date(s) of entries: December 3 to 11, 1864
Author: Thomas Benton Alexander
Content: Diary
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37v, 38r
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Dec 3, 1864
going to be moved from this place the cook was ordered to cook 2.days Rashins of Pork
Dec the 4 at 12.o'clock A.M. we left Castle William for Elmira we got on board of a boat & went over to Jersy city [sp. Jersey City] & Taken the cars left the city at 7.ock P.M. Run all night. The 5th we landed at Elmira at 5 o'clk P.M. and went out to the prison Distance 1 mile the was searched all our money was taken from us and we was sent to our quarters after dark our quarters is
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very good with 2 stoves in Each Barracks very good Bunks 3 men to each Bunk on the Road to this place several of our men made there Escpe December the 11 we started one letter to Columbia and one to mobile to J. M. Dockery each by Flag of Truce
The I drew 1 blanket several of the prisoners Drew clothing the same Day it was very cold weather here for some days passed it snows Every day & night & very cold winds
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