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Manuscripts of the American Civil War
David B. Arthur Diary

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Opening: 17 verso, 18 recto
Date(s) of entries: March 11 to 16, 1863
Author: David B. Arthur
Content: Diary

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17v, 18r      Images: 150 DPI100 DPI


Mar 11th  fine nice day. I am on guard, no mail. part of a train came in from Rolla. Some horses came in. all quiet. I was weighed and weighed 197 lbs with my sword and belt on.

 "  12th  got my boots half soled. Lt. Barter [i.e., 1st Lieutenant George W. Barter] gone home, discharged. got a letter from father and mother in law and grandmother. got a bottle of ink Suttler. Started a letter to Mary. done nothing all day. got a table made.

 "  13th  fine day but a little cloudy wind in the south. finished my letter to Mary. done nothing all day. dress parade this evening. Small mail I got none. all quiet expect to move Monday morning.


Mar 14th  fine day got good news from the Seat of war. Adopted Some resolutions with regard to copperheads. wrote a letter Michael and Sarah Morales. no mail. all quiet Col Serenaded to night. boys feel in good spirits about the news from the war.


 "  15th  fine day all quiet. got a mail. got a letter from Mary Lewellin and George Johnson all well. no meeting read the Art of War to Co. done nothing to day. no particular news.

 "  16th  fine fair morning. Started on the march at 8 oclock roads tolerable good. Stoped and rested at 9 l/2 oclock. rested 15 minutes. then went on till 12 oclock and stoped to eat dinner. quite warm.

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