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Document Type: Autograph Letter Signed
Author: Samuel T. Reeves
Date: March 15-16, 1865
Place: Camp Dennison, Ohio
To: Huldah Reeves
Physical Description: ink on paper; 6 pages (21 x 13 cm) on 1 folded sheet and 1 sheet
Number: MSN CW 5012-7
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Page 1 Images: 150 DPI 100 DPI 72 DPI
No. 3:
Camp Dennison Ohio
March the 15th/65
Dear Huldy I Seat my Self this morning for the purpose of writing a few lines to you in answer to yours of the eleventh which come to hand yesterday: it was as your letters always are a welcom mesinger it brought the glad tidings that my little family was well. I am Sorrow to here that John and Susan is about to have to give up their little one I hope the Sick is all better care this reaches you ) you Spoke of Sending me a testament ) I did not bring one from home but I have got one Since I come here: thare is no difficulty in getting a testament in the army )
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either at the hospital or in the field : wee are well Supplied
with the word of him that gives good council: yet thare is thousands that heedes it not ) you Spoke of being lonesom I well know that is the case for it Seamed to me the first day or two that I could hardely Stand it: ) I wanted to
go rite on to the boys but I know that I haint able and I am going to try and
be content with my lot. I think I will try and take the best care of my Self that I can: I have not heared from the boys Since the 23d of last month. let
me know when you here from them. I See an account of the Division that the 80 is in being in a fight at kinston, N.C. ) I hope that they have all come out
on the Safe Side ) Dear you Spoke of Setting up two nights: love it is rite to do all that you can for
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the distressed. but I hope you will take care of your Self and not expose your Self for you know Dearest that you are not verry Stout and
if you Should get down what would become of you little family ) you Spoke of your dreams being sweet, yes love when wee are Sleeping our mindes wanders to our loved ones at home: yes their amage is in our thoughts by day and
in our dreams by night ) happy will the Soldier be that lives through htis war and goes home and findes his Dear Wife and family (all, awaiting his return
home after So long an abcence ) The news is all favorable this morning thare is Some talk of Richmond being evacuated) tell the Boys that I thank them for the
kisses that they Send to me: they are pretty good but not as good as a fresh
one: but it is the best they can do at the present no please give them a kiss for me). I sent willies little knife
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back by his uncle David tell me whether he has got it yet or not: I have not eaten neare all of the provision yet that you gave me ), Then
molasses is vary good and the Broiled ham is fine ) wee get a gradeel better fare now than when I left every thing is working fine, the bell has wrung for dinner So I will close good By )
this the 16th good morning loved ones I hope that you are all well this morning: I will Send you a paper once and a while
I will Send two a morning and a eavening paper, that is if I can get them: N.3: in reading these papers where it speaks of Colonel Moores Brigade ) remember the 80 is in that ) and also where it Speaks of General Couchs, Corps that is the 23 .A.C. ) it is raining verry hard wee had a heavy rain last night ) my health is about as common I hope to here from Co.C. Soon )
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the 16 good eavening Dear one. I have Just received yours of the 14 left that kinde hand only day before yesterday oh how glad to here that our little family was all well yet thare is So much Sickness and deaths in the vacinity where you live Dearest can wee ever be thankful enough to our dear Savior for his mercies to us unworthy cretures wee got a letter from Derias Johnson [i.e., Sergeant? Darius Johnson] it was ritten on the 26 of last month Co. C. was all well when he wrote (thare had been none of the 80 wounded or killed up to that time). I hope the Sick will be better
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before this reaches you
tell me wheather little Marion is learning any or not. tell him when he learnes his letters good to let me know and I will Send him money to by him a reader he must tell me the price of them So I will Send him enough ) when this School is out if the next is a Subscription
School Send them if I was you I would only Sine 2 Schollars and the third one can make up the time that the 2 misses ) thare is Franky let her do as She likes about going to School ) now if this haint delaid it will reach you a monday tell me wheather you get a letter every male or not ) when you think of me think that I am doing will From your ever tru ) Saml.T.Reeves
Additional text on Page 5 Images: 150 DPI 100 DPI 72 DPI give my love to all inquiring Friends if thare be any good Bye for the presant With Respect
Envelope, front Images: 150 DPI 100 DPI 72 DPI
Envelope, back Images: 150 DPI 100 DPI 72 DPI
Transcription last modified:
08 Jun 2006 at 10:06 AM EDT
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